As this part of our website is still under construction, please check back periodically for updates!
Evaluation Coordinators
Each department that EIP provides service to has one person designated as the Evaluation Coordinator.
Basic duties of departmental Evaluation Coordinators include:
- informing instructors and students about the evaluation process
- checking course registration data for accuracy to ensure courses are evaluated correctly
- distributing the reports released to the department as appropriate
- serving as a point of contact for CAT
Please note: CAT is careful to distribute confidential evaluation information and reports to Evaluation Coordinators securely through A back-up person may also have access to evaluation data, per written request of the Chair. We are not responsible for misuse or unathorized distribution of this information within a department. Evaluation Coordinators should only use and share this information as approved by their department Chair.
If you need to contact the Evaluation Coordinator for a given department or program, please visit our Evaluation Coordinator Directory page.
Forms and Information for Evaluation Coordinators
Listed below are links to various pages and documents that Evaluation Coordinators will find helpful:
For All Evaluation Coordinators:
Evaluation Coordinator Directory
When your department or program has a change in personnel, please inform us who will be the new Evaluation Coordinator by filling out this form:
Evaluation Coordinator Update Form
Additional Resources:
Online Evaluation Email Notifications
Evaluation Coordinator Training Presentation
List of Courses Excluded from Evaluation
Please let us know if there are any other documents or features you would like to see added here by e-mailing our office at