Monday August 29, 2022 – UCLA Luskin Conference Center Exploration Room

Check In & Light Refreshments




Special Guests:

  • Darnell M. Hunt, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
  • Adriana Galván, Dean of Undergraduate Education
  • Adrienne Lavine, Associate Vice Provost, Center for the Advancement of Teaching

Lessons Learned: Reflection and Growth in Your Teaching Practice


This session welcomes new faculty to UCLA and also surfaces lessons learned from your prior experiences in higher education. Through facilitated discussion and activities, participants will explore evidence-based methods for reflecting on instructional practice, and identify effective and efficient strategies for collecting and sharing evidence of teaching innovation and impact within and beyond the UCLA community.


  • Muriel McClendon, Associate Professor of History and Associate Dean for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the Social Sciences Division
  • Adrienne Lavine, Associate Vice Provost, Center for the Advancement of Teaching
  • Kumiko Haas, Director for Instructional Improvement Programs, Center for the Advancement of Teaching

Faculty Insights on Teaching at UCLA


Join CAT for a panel discussion with some of UCLA’s most distinguished instructors centered around teaching at a large public research university. Panelists will discuss ways they have leveraged resources at UCLA and in the wider Los Angeles community to support student learning, and share top tips they wish they had known as new faculty. The session will include ample time for Q&A, and will feed directly into a happy hour that will provide an opportunity for attendees to mingle with representatives from various campus resource centers that support teaching and learning.


  • Jeff Maloy, Assistant Professor of Teaching (LPSOE), Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology & Life Sciences Core Education
  • Sobukwe Odinga, Assistant Professor of African American Studies
  • Michelle Rensel, Assistant Adjunct Professor of Society & Genetics and Faculty Coordinator for the Biotechnology & Society Freshman Cluster
  • Erica Weaver, Assistant Professor of English


  • Muriel McClendon, Associate Professor of History and Associate Dean for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the Social Sciences Division

Happy Hour


Enjoy light refreshments on a patio adjoining our meeting space while mingling with faculty panelists, Center for the Advancement of Teaching staff, and representatives from other campus resource centers that support teaching and learning at UCLA.

Tuesday August 30, 2022 – Convening Remotely via Zoom

Foundations for Equitable & Inclusive Teaching



Examining one’s own social identity development lays groundwork for authentically preparing to teach equitably and inclusively. Through guided self-reflection and group activities, this workshop explores how our identities impact our roles as educators and examines ways that social identity threat and other forms of bias negatively impact students. This workshop focuses on creating space for critical reflection and developing and practicing proactive strategies for equitable, inclusive teaching.

Zoom link will be emailed to registered participants.

Resource website for the workshop

Interrupting Bias in Course Design



This workshop explores equitable course design practices and helps instructors develop skills to interrupt bias when articulating learning objectives, selecting and delivering course content, planning and implementing in-class activities, and designing assessments.

Zoom link will be emailed to registered participants.

Resource website for the workshop

Venue Information & Logistics

NFTE events scheduled for Monday August 29 will take place at UCLA’s Luskin Conference Center. Directions and parking information can be found here: https://luskinconferencecenter.ucla.edu/about/campus-map-parking/

All UCLA and LA County safety protocols to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 will be followed and are available for attendees to review here: https://covid-19.ucla.edu/ucla-covid-protocols/ Please note that as of August 15, indoor masking is strongly encouraged but not required at UCLA regardless of vaccination status. Since the public health situation remains fluid, please review campus protocols at the link above for the most up-to-date information. Refreshments for this event will be served on an outdoor terrace adjoining the meeting room. CAT is prepared to pivot to convening NFTE sessions remotely on Monday August 29 if needed and will communicate scheduling updates to attendees via email and post updates on this webpage.

NFTE events scheduled for Tuesday August 30 are already planned to take place over Zoom. All meeting links will be sent to registered participants via email in advance of the event.

Contact CAT with questions regarding this event by emailing consult@teaching.ucla.edu.

CAT and Campus Resources

Featured CAT Resources

COVID-19 Information for Instructors

UCLA COVID-19 Information for Instructors: https://covid-19.ucla.edu/information-for-faculty/

UCLA Multiple Modalities Teaching Resources & Recommendations (from CAT and campus partners): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vyK3ZskjansmtIWH77derOgRUJ3U0kt3KDy_vR2uh1A/edit?usp=sharing

UCLA Syllabus Guidance for COVID-19 (from CEILS): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1L5hizOQGwAQMaGqBFQOKSHfLy5-IybND-dlGualECB4/edit?usp=sharing

FAQ about UCLA’s Campus Context

How can I learn more about…

…the teaching support landscape at UCLA?

Start here: https://teaching.uit.ucla.edu/about/partnerships/

…diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives at UCLA?

UCLA Equity Diversity & Inclusion Office & BruinX (EDI’s research arm): www.equity.ucla.edu  

UCLA Report Creating a Positive Classroom Climate for Diversity (Garibay, 2015): https://equity.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/CreatingaPositiveClassroomClimateWeb-2.pdf

UCLA Report Enhancing Student Success and Building Inclusive Classrooms at UCLA (Hurtado and Sork, 2016): https://evcp.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Enhancing-Student-Success-Building-Inclusive-Classrooms-at-UCLA-Report_December-2015-Hurdado-Sork-Report-and-Appendices.pdf

…designing equitable, inclusive, and accessible courses?

CAT Course Design resource website: https://teaching.uit.ucla.edu/resources/course_design/

CAT Equitable and Inclusive Teaching resource website: https://teaching.uit.ucla.edu/resources/equitable-inclusive-teaching/

Center for Education Innovation and Learning in the Sciences teaching guides: https://ceils.ucla.edu/teaching-toolkit/ceils-aspire-to-equity-justice-teaching-guides/

Excellence in Pedagogy and Innovative Classrooms Inclusive Teaching Toolkit: https://sites.google.com/g.ucla.edu/epicresources/inclusive-teaching-toolkit

Disabilities and Computing faculty resources: https://dcp.ucla.edu/faculty-resources

…teaching with technology and UCLA’s learning management system?

UCLA IT Services: https://digitaltoolkit.ucla.edu/faculty

Bruin Learn (UCLA’s learning management system, built on Canvas): https://bruinlearn.ucla.edu/courses/288 — a resource website designed as a self-paced course in BruinLearn

Bruin Learn Faculty Onboarding: https://bruinlearn.ucla.edu/courses/147978 — a resource website designed specifically for faculty

UCLA Disabilities and Computing: https://dcp.ucla.edu/

…UCLA’s support services for students?

Start here: https://www.studentaffairs.ucla.edu/

…navigating UCLA’s physical spaces?

UCLA Campus Maps: https://transportation.ucla.edu/getting-around-campus/campus-maps

UCLA Classroom Information: https://teaching.uit.ucla.edu/resources/classroom-guides/classroom-search/

…UCLA campus demographics + campus surveys?

If all of UC were 100 students data visualization: https://100students.universityofcalifornia.edu/

Student Affairs Information & Research Office (SAIRO): https://sairo.ucla.edu/

Academic Planning & Budget (APB – Campus Statistics):  https://apb.ucla.edu/ (see Student Profile in particular: https://admission.ucla.edu/apply/student-profile)

Center for Educational Assessment (unit within CAT) – student perspectives on remote instruction / COVID-19: https://teaching.uit.ucla.edu/resources/keep-teaching/#student-perspectives

Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA: https://heri.ucla.edu/

UCLA acknowledges the Gabrielino/Tongva peoples as the traditional land caretakers of Tovaangar (Los Angeles basin and So. Channel Islands). As a land grant institution, we pay our respects to Honuukvetam (ancestors), ‘Ahiihirom, (elders) and ‘eyoohiinkem (our relatives/relations) past, present and emerging.